ATLAS (Assisting Through Loss After Suicide) is a volunteer response team designed to guide individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide by providing support to ensure loss survivors are not alone, and help connect loss survivors to resources for ongoing support.
Our Vision
ATLAS seeks to be a shining light through the darkness of grief for loss survivors to promote healing and connection.
Seeking Volunteers!
About Us
The ATLAS Team consists of passionate volunteers who provide support, a connection to resources, and an installation of hope to those experiencing the (often) unexpected death of a loved one by suicide. Volunteer teams are typically comprised of 2-3 individuals, including someone who has lost a loved one to suicide (a Loss Survivor) paired with a mental health professional, a member of the faith community, or trained volunteer. ATLAS provides the immediate connection and hope to individuals, connecting them with someone who can honestly say, "I've been where you are. I lost a loved one to suicide, and I can help you navigate through this." Having someone next to them who can talk about a loss to suicide helps to promote healing, connection, and can decrease the lag time between loss and outreach for support.
Between 2015-2020, Johnson County lost 128 individuals to suicide (avg. of 25/year). Research suggests 135 individuals are exposed to suicide for each death, with an average of 6 individuals categorized as "suicide bereaved" where the loss has a long-lasting impact on their lives. For Johnson County, this could mean suicide exposure to over 17,000, with 768 suicide bereaved since 2015. This is too many of our neighbors dying by suicide, and experiencing the devastating loss of losing a loved one. While ATLAS can't make the grief go away, and won't reduce all suicides, we can provide support and a community to let others know they are not alone.
Do you know someone who lost a loved one to suicide and is in need of connection and resources?
ATLAS has launched our delayed response protocol - we'd be happy to reach out to individuals who lost a loved one to suicide and help connect them to resources, both those from ATLAS and from the surrounding area. Fill out this form, and someone will be in touch!
Learn more about ATLAS, the importance of the work, and how you can help!

Suicide Loss Survivor
Explore our growing list of helpful resources if you've lost a loved one to suicide.
We recently sat down for a lengthy Q&A with our Coroner's Office. You can catch the full video here, but we'll be adding it in shorter sections below if you want to skip around!
ATLAS-Related Meetings & Events
Meeting Access
All meetings are open to the public and accessible online via Zoom meeting software.
Join Zoom Meeting:
- zoom.us/j/83634318294
- Dial: 646-558-8656
- Meeting ID: 983 817 7815
Interested in learning more? Email Us
Featured Events
Nothing from March 26, 2025 to April 26, 2025.