Open Positions
Upstream has posted several positions below, although we may not hire all of them at this time.
We are still reimagining what our Recovery Support infrastructure looks like moving forward, in collaboration with Recovery Cafe JoCo, RISE, and Upstream's own initiatives. There are four different positions below, all currently part-time, but with some flexibility in hours. Application Instructions for all positions can be found in this single document, but should also be at the end of each of the job descriptions. All application materials (resume, writing prompt, and introduction paragraph) should be emailed to financial (as noted in the instructions).
RISE Recovery Coalition is currently looking for a part-time Peer Recovery Coach. This individual will be another community-based peer, working closely with Upstream's Peers to provide recovery coaching services to the broader community, but specifically focused on the RISE Recovery Coalition! Details are here.
Upstream and RISE are also looking for individuals to fill a Community Resource Navigator Role, specifically for Recovery Cafe JoCo and the RISE Recovery Coalition. These are perfect roles for someone who is a Community Health Worker (or interested in becoming one), or who is just getting their feet wet in the recovery support world. Details are here for the Recovery Cafe JoCo position and here for the RISE Recovery Coalition position.
Upstream is also looking for a Cafe Manager for Recovery Cafe JoCo to handle the day-to-day logistics of the cafe. This is a bit lower of a priority than the two positions above, but still with hopes to hire in the coming months. Details are here.
Upstream is also interested in hiring for a Recovery Initiatives Coordinator to take the reins and coordinate all of the above (and other!) recovery initiatives under Upstream's umbrella. While this is a vital position, we do not currently have funding secured for this position, and will therefore be the most slow to hire someone to fill this role. Details are here.
Current Staff
Upstream has an amazing team, who are involved in a variety of initiatives! Learn a bit more about each of them below, and feel free to reach out through the contact form at the bottom of the page!
Kathleen Anderson Ratcliff
Kathleen is the founder and Executive Director of Upstream Prevention, Inc. She is an IC&RC Certified Prevention Specialist with a Master of Public Affairs (University of Missouri) and a B.S. in Psychology (Missouri State University). While working on her MPA, she was awarded the Mel Carnahan Public Service Fellowship and was the 2013 Stanley L. Botner award recipient. She got her start in prevention as a research assistant for Missouri’s Partners in Prevention, before moving to Indiana to work at the Indiana Prevention Resource Center at Indiana University-Bloomington as a Research Associate and Community Prevention Specialist. She is a trained facilitator for the nationally recognized Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training (SAPST), Ethics for Prevention, and Question.Persuade.Refer (QPR). She has served as a trainer, technical assistance coach, and evaluator within the prevention field in the past nine years.
Michelle McMahon
Michelle is the Community Coordinator of Empower Johnson County. Michelle was instrumental in the development of Empower Johnson County and was officially hired as Community Coordinator in October 2016, following the funding announcement of the Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant. Michelle holds a B.A. in Psychology and a B.A. in Early Childhood Education. In 2017, Michelle became a graduate of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America National Coalition Academy. She is also a Certified Peer Program Educator through the National Association of Peer Program Professionals, an FFA Leadership Center Challenge Course & Low Ropes Certified Facilitator and trained to provide numerous evidence-based tobacco and substance use prevention programs.
Miranda Broomfield
Miranda is the Assistant Community Coordinator for Empower Johnson County. She is an Internationally Certified Prevention Specialist through IC&RC, as well a National Trainer for the Strengthening Families Program. Miranda began her prevention career in Morgan County as the Program Director and Interim Executive Director of Morgan County Substance Abuse Council. She has lived in Johnson County for more than 10 years and is thrilled to be part of the team at Upstream Prevention/Empower Johnson County. This position allows her to make a difference in the county where her family lives and her two daughters attend school. Youth substance prevention is Miranda’s passion, and she is excited to support youth, parents, and all six Johnson County school systems with their prevention needs.
Dawn LaPlante
Dawn is the Project Coordinator for Upstream's School-Based Implementation Grant, and Upstream's newest team member! Dawn has completed her CYC-P, (Child & Youth Care Professional Certification) and holds a BS in Elementary Education. Dawn has over 25 years of service to youth and children. Dawn recently worked with the Safe Place program and the prevention of youth runaway and homelessness. She also is a certified trainer in the prevention of human trafficking. Dawn enjoys working with all ages and is looking forward to working with each school system in Johnson County to bring about the prevention of suicide.
Dr. Michaela Rawsthorn
Michaela is the Project Evaluator for Upstream's internal and external evaluation needs. Michaela holds a Bachelor from Arts from Ohio State University, Master of Public Policy and Graduate Certificate in Health Administration & Policy from the University of Chicago, and Doctor of Social Work from the University of Southern California. Prior to joining Upstream, Michaela spent 12-years as a freelance writer and researcher. She has also worked as a policy analyst for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, research and evaluation manager at the Prison Advice and Care Trust (in London), state government relations for Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and in constituent services for the Ohio Senate. She’s also an Associate at Dartington Service Design Lab in the UK, where she helps use data and evidence to transform systems and improve programs for children and families. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her three teenage kids.
Chris Sizemore
Chris is the Financial and Grants Manager for Upstream. He holds a Bachelors in Accounting from Western Governors University and is proud to start his professional career with Upstream. He has a strong interest in finance management for nonprofits and is excited to use his skills to help support Upstream's mission and growth. He is dedicated to serving his community and volunteers with the Friends of the Johnson County Public Library at their book sales.
Jaycie Blanford
Jaycie is our part-time Baby and Me Tobacco Free Recruiter and Facilitator. Jaycie holds a B.A. in Psychology and Business from Franklin College. She is passionate about educating and serving the community as she also works at the Johnson County Health Department as the Health Educator. Jaycie is honored to be a part of this program and looks forward to expanding it in the hope to help more women in our community live healthier lifestyles.
Justice Dunn
Justice is a certified Recovery Coach who is deeply committed to making a positive impact in the world. With Justice’s personal experience living in addiction she knows firsthand the challenges that come with it. However, instead of letting those challenges hold her back, she has turned them into a source of strength and motivation to help others who are struggling with addiction. Justice's passion is to reach out to those who are deep in the throes of addiction and guide them towards a better life. She does this by being an example of how recovery is possible and by sharing the tools and strategies that have worked for her. Justice firmly believes that every person deserves a second chance and is dedicated to helping people overcome their addiction and live the life they deserve.
Leslie Mayfield
Bio to Come!
Board of Directors
Mark Hatfield joined the Upstream Board in 2019, and currently serves as the Board President.
Sara Thompson joined the Upstream Board in 2021, and currently serves as the Board Treasurer.
Hope McMickle joined the Upstream Board when it was incorporated in 2015, and currently serves as the Board Secretary.
Anne Sutton joined the Upstream Board in 2019.
Jim Alexander joined the Upstream Board in 2024.